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++ Joke: April-Fool Meal, How to ++

April 1st, otherwise known as April Fool's day, is a great day to play practical jokes on your family and friends. Tricks with food are always a real winner.

Blue Milk
If your milk comes in cartons, turn it blue with a few drops of food colouring. No one will notice until they pour it out.

Cereals on a string
If your family eats O-shaped cereal, thread them all onto a piece of string and put them back in the box.

Fake fried egg
Make a fake 'fried egg'. Arrange a spoonful of natural yoghurt in an oval on a plate. Pop an apricot half in the middle. Serve it up to your family with a rasher of real bacon.


(Read more / Source: wikihow)

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posted by Kaspar on | direkter Link: Mittwoch, April 01, 2009 top
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