IMHO - in my humble opinion -
Mein Blog zum Thema Privatsphäre, Internet und Humor.

++ History Matters - One Day in History ++

Ich habe heute bei der Aktion "one day in history" mitgemacht und meinen gestrigen Tag auf Englisch aufgeschrieben und auf der Website von History Matters eingetragen:

It was a busy day and in the morning I was a little tired, because the meeting the day before took that long - it lasted from 19:30 until 23:00. But it was important and it was well invested time. We had to discuss the budget 2007 for the local government and explain the details to the external auditing commission. On the 17th I had to go through my notes of the day before and take the appropriate measures. Then I checked if we could be qualified to get subsidies for one of the ongoing projects, which reduces the CO2 emissions of our central heating. Then I prepared myself for the assembly of the municipal council, where I had to act as the deputy secretary and therefore take notes of the board decisions. Afterwards we went together to the local restaurant, had a plateful of salad and a glass of beer. Then we enjoyed a coffee and a short one, exactly a so called “Sliboviz” which originates from Yugoslavia. At home, my partner Susan, was surprised, because I came home still quite early. Susan did some ironing (we just came back from our holidays in southern Switzerland [Brissago TI] the saturday before) and I did surf on the internet while we were watching “Ein Fall für Zwei” (German murder mystery series) on TV together. Afterwards we watched “Goodbye Deutschland” – a reportage about couples and families from Germany who relocate to foreign countries like Brasil, Norway or South Africa, in order to start a new life. This evening I was very grateful to get an e-mail, telling me about being accepted as the new category editor of a category in the DMOZ.ORG – the mozilla open directory project. DMOZ.ORG is a directory which is based on resources of the open source community and has later been integrated in Because I was happy with my new duty, I used the time with collecting sites for my new category. In total I added another 17 Links to the existing 4 entries. Then I finished my day by going to bed and reading about various types of radio amateur antennas for short wave. That’s what happened on my 17th October 2006 over here in Switzerland.

posted by Kaspar on | direkter Link: Mittwoch, Oktober 18, 2006 top
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