IMHO - in my humble opinion -
Mein Blog zum Thema Privatsphäre, Internet und Humor.

++ H2G2: Eddie from the Heart of Gold is back ... ++

Hallo zusammen. Eigentlich ist es ja wirklich sehr traurig und ich moechte niemandem zu Nahe treten, aber die D.A.-Fans haben es ja sowieso schon gemerkt: eines der Abschiedsplakaetchen, das vor dem Haus des ermordeten Fluglotsen abgelegt wurde und gross in den Zeitungen erschien, enthielt die Textzeile "You'll never walk alone ....". Einerseits handelt es sich dabei um einen Song, andererseits koennte es auch ein Zitat aus H2G2 sein. Die entsprechende Stelle passt leider nur zu gut:

"This is it," said Arthur watching them. "We are now quite definitely going to die aren't we?"
"I wish you'd stop saying that," shouted Ford. "Well we are aren't we?"
"Walk on through the rain ..." sang Eddie.
A thought struck Arthur. He struggled to his feet.
"Why doesn't anyone turn on this Improbability Drive thing?" he said. "We could probably reach that."
"What are you crazy?" said Zaphod. "Without proper programming anything could happen."
"Does that matter at this stage?" shouted Arthur.
"Though your dreams be tossed and blown ..." sand Eddie.
Arthur scrambled up on to one end of the excitingly chunky pieces of moulded contouring where the curve of the wall met the ceiling.
"Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart ..."
"Does anyone know why Arthur can't turn on the Improbability Drive?" shouted Trillian.
"And you'll never walk alone ... Impact minus five seconds, it's been great knowing you guys, God bless ... You'll ne ... ver ...walk ... alone!"
"I said," yelled Trillian, "does anyone know ..."
The next thing that happened was a mid-mangling explosion of noise and light.

posted by Kaspar on | direkter Link: Sonntag, März 07, 2004 top
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